✅ Monday briefing #1: future of news, messaging surge, changing brand priorities, Facebook ad boycott, AI guidance...
Data and reports, research, projects, important news in brief, interesting reads, and best practice
This is a new thing. It’s a mix of articles from my own blog and content discussed in a the marketing, media and PR community on Facebook. My thanks to all the contributors. Please let me know what you think.
Data and reports
🗞️ FUTURE OF NEWS: The 100+ page Reuters Institute Digital News Report 2020 is a challenging read. There are no easy answers. Follow this link for 13 stories about the future of news. Source: Stephen Waddington.
✍️ AD INDUSTRY MISMATCH: The Aspiration Window report by media publisher Reach suggests that the ad industry is out of whack with consumers. Spotted by: Stephen Waddington.
💬 MESSAGING SURGE: Professional messaging has increased by 120% during the lockdown period. Source: Michelle Goodall.
📝 PESO ORIGINS: Heather Yaxley investigates the origins of the Paid, Earned, Shared and Owned (PESO) model in an article for PR Conversations. She tracks it back to Don Bartholomew and his work at AMEC and Fleishman Hillard. Source: Heather Yaxley.
👥 CHANGING BRAND PRIORITIES: A special edition of the Edelman Trust Barometer finds that brands face a fundamental reordering of priorities amid the COVID-19 crisis and societal outcry over systemic racism. Spotted by: Jesper Andersen.
📒 LEADERSHIP AND PURPOSE: David Gallagher and John O’Brien are working on a book to help business leaders and those of us in the communications community address human truth and purpose. They would welcome your views. Source: David Gallagher.
🔎 COVID-19 COMMS: The Government Communication Service (GCS) has issued a call for information and evidence about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the communication profession. Source: Stephen Waddington.
Important news in brief
😯 CONTENT LICENCING: News publishers in Australia, Brazil and Germany have been successful in persuading Google to licence content for search and discovery results. Spotted by: Andrew Smith.
📱 FACEBOOK RESEARCH APP: Facebook is launching a new app called Forecast to host crowd-sourced predictions and discussion. There’s a waiting list to sign-up. Spotted by: Andrew Smith.
🚫 AD BOYCOTT: Facebook is facing a growing boycott by advertisers unhappy with its handling of misinformation and hate speech. Spotted by: Stephen Waddington
Interesting reads
🤖 BOT BREAK-UP: Why I broke up with a Replika AI chatbot called Isabel. The future of PR may need to include managing artificial relationships. Source: Jerry Silfwer.
💚 CLEAN TECH RECOVERY: Steve Earl explores the role that clean tech and digital healthcare will play in enabling society and industry to bounce back following the COVID-19 crisis. Source: Steve Earl.
🏆 INDUSTRY AWARDS: There's no need for industry awards for at least 12 months. I've written up the winners across all categories. Source: Stephen Waddington.
Best practice
📰 AI GUIDANCE: Guidance published by the ICO and The Alan Turing Institute provides practical advice to help explain the processes, services and decisions delivered or assisted by AI. Spotted by: Kerry Sheehan.
🔰 BOOK RECOMMENDATION: McNae’s Essential Law for Journalists [and anyone working in the media] (updated June 2020) by Mike Dodd and Mark Hanna. Recommended by: Stuart Bruce.
Events this week
📅 2 July - Strategic Communication, Promotion and Consumption during a Global Pandemic organised by LSE and the University of Cardiff. Spotter: Alenka Jelen-Sanchez.
📅 3 and 4 July – BledCom - The 27th International Public Relations Research Symposium. I’m speaking on a panel about the future of public relations on the first day. Hope to see you.