RE paying for news (Reuters): 70% of UK adults say that it’s important to them that online services are free (in this cost-of-living crisis) according to new survey from IAB. The report goes on to say "Free, ad-funded digital services - such as email, social media, online news and streaming services - are worth an average £14,600 per year to every UK household in consumer surplus [1], indicating the high value that people place on having free online access, according to a new study."
Quick line to say, congrats on hitting the 150. Looking forward to 151 and beyond!
RE paying for news (Reuters): 70% of UK adults say that it’s important to them that online services are free (in this cost-of-living crisis) according to new survey from IAB. The report goes on to say "Free, ad-funded digital services - such as email, social media, online news and streaming services - are worth an average £14,600 per year to every UK household in consumer surplus [1], indicating the high value that people place on having free online access, according to a new study."
Congrats on the 150 landmark
Congratulations Wadds - no little thing to reach 150 issues, and build a loyal following that big!
Congrats! Cracking edition as ever!
Congratulations on 150 issues! That's amazing. Really look forward to this in my inbox every Monday.